How do u stay motivated to stay fit? 
Stay healthy for a couple of weeks however people tend to drop out!
I have come up with tips that are extremely easy and simple to use and they can sort of help you hack into the whole healthy lifestyle system. 

Its a new year, New beginnings this could truly be the year for you where you change both physically and mentally and improve yourself. I simply hope to help you all accomplish that in 2018!

When it comes down to how you look, eating has a greater effect than the exercises you do. And personally, I battle significantly more with diet than to get myself up and do a workout. I’ll see a slice of pizza and everyone else is eating the pizza so I start saying “You only live once! Let me also eat the slice of pizza” There’s nothing wrong with that but in order to prevent that and unfollow the whole I’ll start on Monday thing. You Must start prepping your meals!
Preparing Meals is so important all Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. I know some of you guys battle with Snacks, try to not have unhealthy snacks In your home Because If you don't have any Unhealthy food you won't eat anything Unhealthy Logical right? 

Next, Workout Prepping. You should have particular exercise days and put a reminder on your phone.. And you should always do something different otherwise you’ll get bored. For me, I'm joined in a gym so I take distinctive classes all the time with the goal that I won't get bored. If you're working out at home you should run, jog around, swim, dance or cycle there are various activities than just crunches and squats. 

To remain motivated I propose you record your weight, Create a buddy system even if your not working out together, Have a killer playlist, Always wear workout clothes (as a reminder and if you decide to workout out) , Plan your Gym time around your favorite shows (If your on a treadmill you won’t notice the time so much) And Consider the time you exercise out as “ME TIME”! 


First I do 20-30 mins on the treadmill or stair climber
Then I do this, 
10 Long arm Crunches 
20 Russian twists 
20 Heel touches 
30 sec plank
20 Spiderman plank crunches 
10 side jackknifes 
20 slow climbers 

So those are every one of my tips on remaining fit in the new year and not dropping out of track once more. Likewise, Health and Fitness isn't generally about Diet and Working out it is about mindset and how you feel when you wake and the feelings you experience. 

If you have any tips for me or anyone reading this comment down below. Don’t forget to follow all my socials. 

With Love, The Official Modest 


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